Advisory Committee 

Urbanism NZ is guided by a panel of industry leaders representing the multidisciplinary nature of the event including members from both the private and public sector. We work closely with this group to connect with industry, government and academia to ensure we create a relevant, engaging, world-class programme that meets the conference objectives.

Committee Members

David Hampton

Urban Development Lead

Waka Kotahi NZTA

Dr Natalie Allen

Director and Urban Strategist 

The Urban Advisory 

Sue Evans

Director Urban Design

Kāinga Ora

Alistair Ray

Principal - Head of Urban Design


Shayna Curle

Maori Design Advisor

Wellington City Council

Chris Simpson

Corporate Affairs

Templeton Group

Gerald Blunt

Principal Advisor Design Strategy, City Design

Wellington City Council

Tim Church

                      Urban Designer                                                 

Boffa Miskell

Dee Isaacs

                      Technical Director                                                 

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